Introduction By Pastor Frank Bissol
Peter Accardi is our church Evangelist. In the early 1970's Peter Accardi shared with me how his life was changed, how he knew he was going to heaven when he died and that he could no longer pursue his carrier in the entertainment world which we were both involved in. I thought he was crazy. I even thought it was a scam. I figured he had something up his sleeve and was not telling us the whole truth. I went back to his house to talk him out of what I thought was craziness. That night a deacon from his church was there and we talked all night into the early morning hours. I rejected what Peter and his friend Carl shared with me and went on my way in the world doing what Peter and I had been doing for years. Shortly after this Peter went to Clarks Summit, PA to attend Bible College.
Every now and then he would come back and talk to me but I would not listen and tried to avoid him. Yet the truth of the Scripture was working invisibly in my heart. I had never heard the gospel message before and thought Peter just went off the deep end. Then miraculously other people started sharing the same, exact message with me. I thought I was being stalked with the gospel message. It really was God's Holy Spirit! Read my tract for the full story. Through a set of circumstances, explained in my tract but too long to get into here, God changed my life too and I immediately called Peter to tell him. He told me I should start going to church and gave me the phone number of his mother and father and I started attending Bible studies at his parent's house. That is where I met my wife (Peter's younger sister) and we got married about 6 months later. A year later I came to the same Bible College that Peter was attending. I entered into the bachelor of sacred music program and graduated in 1979. After this I was called to preach and went on with school for three more years and graduated from seminary in 1982. I came to pastor the Elkdale Baptist Church in 1983 and the rest is History.
I owe a lot to Peter Accardi, I am now his Pastor. He attends our church, helps out in many areas and travels and preaches in churches wherever the Lord opens the door. Much has changed since the 1970's not only in the world but also in churches. Back then a lot of the old timers were concerned about the direction the churches were taking. In Peter, they thought they might find a voice to help stem the tide,which they believed, was going to destroy the church from with in. They often would call Peter to come and preach about music, and warn about the negative influence of show business and the entertainment world that is creeping into the church. Most of those Old Timers are gone and a new generation of leadership has risen in it's place in the churches across America. Peter's preaching has not changed at all but the "CHURCH" has greatly changed and most churches today would rather have concerts than evangelistic meetings!
Peter began to be invited to preach across the country in 1974. He has been preaching for 45 years. He has held evangelistic meetings all across the USA and also in Australia and Jamaica and is still available to travel throughout the world as an Evangelist and be a help to churches that desire to hear the message of Scripture as the LORD opens the door and leads.. He does not compromise so if your church is compromising and you have a heart to compromise you probably will not want to have him. It is for this reason he does not travel quite as much as he used to. However, many churches still desire to hear the old time message that once blazed across America and desire to have him come and preach. Peter is available for meetings, pulpit supply or be a help to churches that are without pastoral leadership who would like him to come for a period of time and help "set in order the things that are wanting" as Paul exhorted the evangelist named Titus to do in the Bible. (Titus 1:5).
Peter has never solicited a meeting. He will not call churches, pastors or church leaders and ask if they would like to have him come as most others do. He genuinely and fully trusts the Lord to fill his schedule. As Peter Accardi's Pastor I would highly recommend Brother Accardi to you if you may believe that God would have him to come to be a help and encouragement to your church or ministry. Only the Lord knows how many souls have been saved through the sound preaching of Brother Accardi. God bless you and please feel free to contact our church if you would like more information about Brother Accardi's ministry.
Click on this link to hear some of Brother Accardi's messages. PETER ACCARDI AUDIO SERMONS PAGE You may also watch Brother Accardi preach at his video page. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PETER ACCARDI VIDEO PAGE. More sermons will be added to these pages from time to time.
Sincerely in Christ
Pastor Frank Bissol
Every now and then he would come back and talk to me but I would not listen and tried to avoid him. Yet the truth of the Scripture was working invisibly in my heart. I had never heard the gospel message before and thought Peter just went off the deep end. Then miraculously other people started sharing the same, exact message with me. I thought I was being stalked with the gospel message. It really was God's Holy Spirit! Read my tract for the full story. Through a set of circumstances, explained in my tract but too long to get into here, God changed my life too and I immediately called Peter to tell him. He told me I should start going to church and gave me the phone number of his mother and father and I started attending Bible studies at his parent's house. That is where I met my wife (Peter's younger sister) and we got married about 6 months later. A year later I came to the same Bible College that Peter was attending. I entered into the bachelor of sacred music program and graduated in 1979. After this I was called to preach and went on with school for three more years and graduated from seminary in 1982. I came to pastor the Elkdale Baptist Church in 1983 and the rest is History.
I owe a lot to Peter Accardi, I am now his Pastor. He attends our church, helps out in many areas and travels and preaches in churches wherever the Lord opens the door. Much has changed since the 1970's not only in the world but also in churches. Back then a lot of the old timers were concerned about the direction the churches were taking. In Peter, they thought they might find a voice to help stem the tide,which they believed, was going to destroy the church from with in. They often would call Peter to come and preach about music, and warn about the negative influence of show business and the entertainment world that is creeping into the church. Most of those Old Timers are gone and a new generation of leadership has risen in it's place in the churches across America. Peter's preaching has not changed at all but the "CHURCH" has greatly changed and most churches today would rather have concerts than evangelistic meetings!
Peter began to be invited to preach across the country in 1974. He has been preaching for 45 years. He has held evangelistic meetings all across the USA and also in Australia and Jamaica and is still available to travel throughout the world as an Evangelist and be a help to churches that desire to hear the message of Scripture as the LORD opens the door and leads.. He does not compromise so if your church is compromising and you have a heart to compromise you probably will not want to have him. It is for this reason he does not travel quite as much as he used to. However, many churches still desire to hear the old time message that once blazed across America and desire to have him come and preach. Peter is available for meetings, pulpit supply or be a help to churches that are without pastoral leadership who would like him to come for a period of time and help "set in order the things that are wanting" as Paul exhorted the evangelist named Titus to do in the Bible. (Titus 1:5).
Peter has never solicited a meeting. He will not call churches, pastors or church leaders and ask if they would like to have him come as most others do. He genuinely and fully trusts the Lord to fill his schedule. As Peter Accardi's Pastor I would highly recommend Brother Accardi to you if you may believe that God would have him to come to be a help and encouragement to your church or ministry. Only the Lord knows how many souls have been saved through the sound preaching of Brother Accardi. God bless you and please feel free to contact our church if you would like more information about Brother Accardi's ministry.
Click on this link to hear some of Brother Accardi's messages. PETER ACCARDI AUDIO SERMONS PAGE You may also watch Brother Accardi preach at his video page. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PETER ACCARDI VIDEO PAGE. More sermons will be added to these pages from time to time.
Sincerely in Christ
Pastor Frank Bissol