Shar and Joe Souder
Works with Patch Club, Drama, Music and Field Trip Coordinator.s....Shar Graduated from Elkdale Christian Academy and Northeastern Baptist School of Theology.. Joe is a graduate of Atlanta Bible College.. Shar and Joe have 5 home schooled Children of their own....
Pastor Bissol &
Elaine Bissol Pastor Bissol writes special dramas and musicals for the children for Christmas Plays and Easter Musicals. Elaine Bissol works with the children to learn the songs and drama parts.. Pastor Bissol has two degrees in Music and a Masters Degree in Theology, Elaine has a Bachaolor of Education degree. Jenny Tigue
Teaches Hand Bell Choir,, recorders, and works with patch kids in Piano Lab. Jenny teaches music full time in Binghamton School District. . Kenn & Ruth Ann Knapp
Patch Club Director and Administrators.. Ken also serves as Deacon and Web Site editor.