ELKDALE BAPTIST CHURCH OF WEST CLIFFORD 45 State Route 2014 Clifford Twp. PA 18470 Frank Bissol, Pastor (570) 222-3723
About Our Webcasts And Live Streaming Service
We broadcast all our regular services that we have in our main auditorium here on our home page. We broadcast Sunday School, 10 AM Sunday Morning Service 11 AM, Sunday Evening at 7:00 P.M. and our regular Wednesday Evening Bible Study and Prayer Service at 7:00 P.M If you visit our website at these times the broadcast will automatically stream.
Our Sunday School and Wednesday night service we have some, testimonies and prayer requests and occasional business mtg. For our Bible Sermon we are doing a through the Bible study. We are reading and explaining the Bible verse by verse through the whole Bible. Sunday Mornings we usually preach on a Bible topic or subject. Sunday Evenings we have testimonies sing a few Hymns and there is a Bible Sermon. The Streaming will start automatically when the service begins. I hope this service will be a help to those who are shut in live far away and cannot attend our services live. God bless you all and we hope this streaming service will be a blessing to you. If we are not on line you canclick Here to see previous recorded live services...
Sincerely Pastor Bissol
Below is a video of our New Years Eve Musical The Title of The Program was "WHO IS HE" This Christmas Child
Dear Friend;
I want to extend to you an invitation to visit with us. We have the atmosphere of a small old-fashioned country church but still maintain a big heart for people. You are cordially invited to attend one of our services.
Jesus told a story once of a certain rich man who invited all his rich friends to a great feast. They all made excuses why they couldn’t come. The man was very angry. He called his servants and told them to go out and invite the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind instead of his rich friends . They responded to the invitation and his rich friends were excluded. Let me explain the meaning of the story from Luke 14:17-24:
Jesus is that rich man and the supper feast is eternal salvation. Those who excuse themselves are people who have no time for the Lord. He paid for your salvation with his own life on the cross of Calvary and is now in heaven preparing the feast. If you have not received Him as your Lord and Savior, why don’t you respond to His great invitation? Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Rev. 3:20).
To respond to His invitation ask Him into your heart and life today..
Sincerely Yours, Pastor Frank Bissol
We are no longer using the Huddle.team conference call service to broadcast our services. We have transferred to www.Sermonaudio.com. Please note the following instructions on how to hear our broadcasts..
Again Please Note: There are a few different ways to listen to our broadcasts:
1. The easiest way to listen in, is to go to this webpage during the regular service times: That is it! Just visit our home page on the website and we will be broadcasting our live services. Some of our services we will be archiving to our video sermons page, here is a link to this page.
2. To Listen in with your phone note the following instructions
Dial 712-432-3410 and you will be prompted to either listen to sermon audio radio or chose a broadcaster. Hit 2 on your phone to choose a broadcaster. Our broadcast code is #55453. Just enter that number when ask to enter your broadcaster's code. If there is a broadcast at the time you call in, it will start broadcasting the audio over your phone...
4. It is also possible to stream us on Roku TV and Apple TV. You will need to go to their app store and find the Sermon Audio app. When going to the Roku channel store the invitation code is "sermonaudio" This channel will be free to you...
The recordings of our services we also make available at our link entitled Pastor Bissol's Audio/Written Sermons ... please go to this link to hear the pre-recorded messages of our services. We have some services archived all the way back to 1987. We also have video archived messages at the Video Archive Messages Page.
We usually broadcast only the regular services conducted in our auditorium: Please check our calendar out because we do not broadcast sermons from our pavilion and outside events. Whenever we have a dinner we do not have a 7 PM service and there is no broadcast at this time. Again check out our yearly calendar for these changes.
Sunday School at 10:00 AM Sunday Morning 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening at 7:00 P.M. Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M.
Please Note The Following Video We Made And Was Banned By Google...
I had to by pass YouTube, and uploaded our video, "The Cure" to our website. Would you believe YouTube banned this video, saying it promoted misinformation about Covid 19? So much for freedom of speech... I guess when I said Jesus is the great Physician and someday He would heal all mankind of every sickness and disease, that is intolerable to Youtube. Only the World Health Organization and The Center For Disease Control can make statements about Covid 19, anything else is disinformation. The first amendment was put their so things like this would not happen. We are in trouble in our nation! I believe if Jesus were walking planet earth today he would be arrested for practicing medicine without a license. I am going to post this on a separate page that you can send as a link to others. Please share this video with others. Jesus said marvel not if the world hates you. You can watch the video below and to share it... Just click on the link and share the page link with others. CLICK HERE FOR THE URL LINK copy and past the page link on your facebook page or in an email or text message to friends.. If you need the actual text for the link it is http://www.elkdalebaptist.com/the-cure-a-video-banned-from-youtube.html
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